Monday, June 1, 2020

Australian Animal Facts: Cassowary- The Dinosaur Bird

What is a Cassowary?

cassowary walking

The Cassowary is a large flightless bird found in the rainforests of Australia and New Guinea.  The Australian cassowary is known as the Southern Cassowary or Double Wattled Cassowary. This is to distinguish it from other types found in Papua New Guinea.

A fully grown Cassowary can weigh as much as 60kgs (130lbs) and grown up to 2 meters in height ( 6.5 feet).

While usually shy, it will attack with a deadly kick if provoked.

This bird is endangered, with only about 1500 still remaining in the wild.

Related Article: What is a Cassowary? 

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Waltzing Matilda Australia's Favorite Song

Waltzing Matilda

Australia's Favourite Song

Waltzing Matilda is Australia's favourite song.  It is quite likely that more Australians know the words to this song than the national anthem. There is probably no other song that is more easily recognised by people young or old, native born or a newly arrived immigrant.

We have updated our Waltzing Matilda page on Trishan's OzThis page was originally written in 1997 by Trishan, an eleven year old Australian child and his dad. Over the ensuring years this page continued to rate in the top 10 sites in Google’s raking on the subject. We have now given the page a long overdue face-lift with new video clips (which didn't exist at the time the page was originally written) and lots of additional content. We have, however, decided to maintain some of the “look and feel “ of the original website. So you will still see Trishan’s artwork and explanation of the song as it appeared on the original website. We hope you find our site informative and fun.

We believe this page is now the most comprehensive , easy to understand page about Waltzing Matilda. It also contains the most extensive information about Christina Macpherson who history has overlooked as the person who wrote the music for this Australian icon. Come check it out for yourself.